E9 Pedal Steel Chord Charts: Using The E Knee Lever To Create Major Chords

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

When moving between major chord positions on the E9 neck, the knee lever that lowers the ‘E’s a half step can often go overlooked…

However, using the E lowers is a great and simple way to create major chords that are often found in helpful positions – especially when moving between diatonic chords in a key using the number system.

The major chords created by using the E lowers can act as a substitute for the A+F pedal/lever combination that creates major chords three frets above the open position. This relationship is depicted in the chord charts below.

These charts display C, F, and G major chords using the E lower lever, both individually and in relation to other positions for the chords…

The ‘E’ designates using the knee lever that lowers that string a half step. The ‘F’ designates using the knee lever that raises that string a half step.

Each number in a symbol represents that note’s fret position, just like in tablature. Click on an image for an enlarged view…

C Major Chords

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

F Major Chords

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

G Major Chords

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

E9 Pedal Steel - Chord Charts for Major Chords using the E Knee Lever

Thanks for checking out this page, hope it is helpful and makes playing more enjoyable! If you’re interested in diving deeper into playing E9 pedal steel, check out these resources and guides…

The Chord Guide for E9 Pedal Steel (E-Book, Digital Download)

Pedal Steel Guitar Instruction Book

Learn the chords on the E9 neck in a way that makes playing simple and enjoyable…

  • Almost Every Chord You’ll Ever Need for E9
  • Intuitive and Easy to Use
  • Make Use of Pedal and Lever Combinations
  • Example Tabs of Chord Movements
  • Easily Utilize the Nashville Number System
  • Great For Any Key and Style of Music

Includes a bonus section of over a hundred pages of extra chord charts, key references, and more!

Playing Pedal Steel:
The Essentials

An easy and intuitive approach to mastering the pedal steel…

  • An in-depth look at bar control, the right hand, using pedals, & the volume pedal
  • Multi Angle Views – that you can always reference.
  • Ways to Practice, How to Practice, What to Practice.

An online pedal steel lesson series – includes a free pedal steel EBook!

More Digital Downloads for Pedal Steel…

For more tabs, chord charts, and scale diagrams, click below…

Pedal Steel Tabs, Charts, and Scale Diagrams

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