GFI Pedal Steel Buyer’s Guide: Cost and Features
GFI pedal steels are some of the best value steel guitars on the market, if you consider how good they sound, compared to their price and lightweight functionality. Read more…
GFI pedal steels are some of the best value steel guitars on the market, if you consider how good they sound, compared to their price and lightweight functionality. Read more…
Whether you’re interested in buying your first pedal steel, or you’re a player looking for a lifelong professional model to play, Mullen steel guitars can be a great option as you’re searching. Read more…
Carter Starter pedal steels are one of the best options for beginner pedal steels because of their price and functionality. Read more…
The MSA pedal steel brand has a rich history, which can be seen by the evolution of their pedal steel models and features. Read more…
Williams pedal steels have a transparent and creamy tone, that preserves the crystalline highs pedal steels are known for. Read more…
Understanding more about the different aspects of pedal steels can help determine which one you’d like to buy and play. Read more…