Pedal Steel Tabs

E9 Pedal Steel Tabs for Modes of C Major: AB Pedal Position

Knowing the major scale modes can be a great help in navigating through chord progressions. Here are tabs for E9 pedal steel that display the modes of the C major scale in the AB pedal position. Click on an image for an enlarged view! The D symbol lowers that note a half step. Enjoy! C […]

E9 Major Scale Tabs (C Major)

E9 Major Scale Tabs (C Major)

The pedal steel is such a versatile instrument, and it is nice that it provides so many musical ways for a player to play notes. When creating single note melodic lines, riffs, solos, etc., it can be nice to utilize the major scale on certain positions of the fretboard that also incorporate the foot pedals.

Tabs, Charts, and Scale Diagrams for Pedal Steel

The pedal steel guitar is capable of producing some of the most emotional and intriguing sounds heard in music. Combine these sounds with some heartfelt and mindful playing, and listeners will always enjoy hearing the pedal steel. The following tabs, chord charts, and scale diagrams are a great way to become more mindful of certain

Pedal Steel Pedals and Knee Levers

E9 Pedal Steel: Harmonized Thirds Tabs (Major Scale, Key of C)

Here are some tabs that display the major scale harmonized in thirds for the key of C. Combine these with harmonized sixths and single note runs, and there are endless possibilities for tasty pedal steel playing! Click on each tab for an enlarged view! For E9 pedal steel guitar. These tabs show the horizontal movement/patterns…the

E9 Pedal Steel Harmonized Sixths Tabs (Major Scale, Key of C)

There’s nothing like the beautiful sound of harmonized sixths played on the pedal steel… here are some tabs that display the major scale harmonized in sixths for the key of C! Click on each tab for an enlarged view… These tabs show the horizontal movement/patterns…the E symbols are for lowering that particular note a half

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