
E9 Pedal Steel: Pockets for Minor Pentatonic Scale

The minor pentatonic scale can be a really useful scale to utilize on the E9 pedal steel for a lot of musical applications. It only has five notes, and finding these notes along the E9 fretboard can be easier when broken down into pockets. Here’s the A minor pentatonic scale in pockets for the E9 […]

E9 Pedal Steel: Major Scale Pockets

Scale diagrams that display the C Major Scale in pockets on the E9 fretboard. These are a great way to learn the fretboard, connect positions, and more…

Pedal Steel Guitar On Stage

Greg Leisz: How To Utilize His Pedal Steel Style

It is no secret that Greg Leisz is one of the most accomplished pedal steel players of all time. His sound and playing techniques, along with his intuitive musicality, lend themselves well to the accompaniment of artists and bands. Whether onstage or in the studio, Greg has carved a niche with his playing that is

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