Pedal Steel Technique

Buying Pedal Steels for Sale

Thumb Strum – Chordal Picking Technique

This is one of my favorite picking techniques, and is wondrous on the C6 neck. Its main function is to use the thumb to quickly strum multiple notes and provide a thicker chordal sound. When done correctly, the group of notes should sound similar to a guitar player strumming a chord with their pick. This

Right Hand Blocking

Right Hand Blocking

With practice, focus, and awareness right hand blocking can quickly become a natural part of your technique…

Tapping Your Foot To Keep Rhythm on Pedal Steel Guitar

Tapping Your Toes to Keep Rhythm

HOW TO TAP YOUR FOOT (TOES) TO KEEP TIME Ever wonder why guitar players are always tapping their foot when playing/practicing? They may not realize it, but their foot is serving as a physical, muscle memory link to the rhythm/sound they hear in their head. Drummers have to literally do this for their kick and

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