Pedal Steel Tabs

Pedal Steel Seats

E9 Minor Pentatonic Scale Diagrams

Here are diagrams that display the minor pentatonic scale notes on the E9 fretboard.  These can be printed out…click on an image for an enlarged view! Feel free to utilize them as a reference tool, a memorization aid, or in whatever way is helpful for your practice and playing. Enjoy! G Minor Pentatonic Scale G# […]

Pedal Steel Pick Art - Smiley Face

E9 Major Pentatonic Scale Diagrams

Here are diagrams that display the major pentatonic scale notes on the E9 fretboard.  Included are diagrams for both the note names, as well as the numbers of each note in relation to the major scale. These can be printed out…click on an image for an enlarged view. Feel free to utilize them as a

E9 Major Scale Diagrams

There are many great practice methods and ways of exploring musical possibilities. One thing is for sure though: knowing where certain notes are on the fretboard really makes things easier for the ears and mind, allowing for more freedom of expression! Here are diagrams that display the major scale notes on the E9 fretboard. Almost

Amazing Grace on Pedal Steel

E9 Neck – Major Thirds and Perfect Fourths – 4th & 5th Strings

When playing a tune in a major key, it is often nice to have a bag of tricks for playing over the 1 chord.  I often find it useful to play major thirds and perfect fourths, and mix these intervals to create riffs and pleasing tones. In the key of F, these pairs of notes can

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