
Pedal Steel Volume Pedals – Passive or Active?

When considering what type of volume pedal to use for steel guitar, one must look at the differences between active and passive volume pedals.  I would begin discovering these differences by looking closer at passive volume pedals that Goodrich make, or pot-less active types that Hilton make.  I’d also recommend trying both types with your pedal steel guitar and […]

Pedal Steel Amplifiers – Tube or Solid-State?

What is the best amplifier for pedal steel guitar for me to use?  Are pedal steel amps the same as guitar amps? You’re not alone if you’ve ever asked these questions… Finding an amplifier that works well for pedal steel can be tough, but rewarding.  The amp must be able to handle the pedal steel’s

Tapping Your Foot To Keep Rhythm on Pedal Steel Guitar

Tapping Your Toes to Keep Rhythm

HOW TO TAP YOUR FOOT (TOES) TO KEEP TIME Ever wonder why guitar players are always tapping their foot when playing/practicing? They may not realize it, but their foot is serving as a physical, muscle memory link to the rhythm/sound they hear in their head. Drummers have to literally do this for their kick and

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