
The Steel Guitar Forum - Foot Pedal Work Picture

Left Foot Warmup Exercises

It can be very beneficial to warmup at the beginning of your playing or practice session.  Since the pedal steel is such a physical instrument, it is very similar to playing a sport in that it requires certain movements/exertions to achieve certain goals. Warming up (stretches, exercises, drills, etc.) is almost standard for any sport,

Metronome Ideas and Tricks

Having a strong foundation in rhythm can help a pedal steel player’s musicality. Using a metronome is one of the best ways to build a player’s rhythmic skills, and can go a long ways on and off the bandstand. Here are some ideas and tips for practicing with a metronome… -Speeds Most of my practice

Positioning Your Steel Seat

Effective pedal steel technique requires an understanding of the physical components of playing the instrument. The body is used in various ways to get sounds out of the instrument: the left hand/arm is used to control the bar, the right hand is used to block and pick the strings, while both feet and legs are

Creating Your Own Drone Track

Drones are magnificent. They allow a pedal steel player to practice many things: intonation, ear training, creating soundscapes, and having fun while practicing. They are such a great practice tool that they should be as common as metronomes are to musicians. Here’s a great way to create your own drones while practicing, and/or to create

Amazing Grace on Pedal Steel

E9 Neck – Major Thirds and Perfect Fourths – 4th & 5th Strings

When playing a tune in a major key, it is often nice to have a bag of tricks for playing over the 1 chord.  I often find it useful to play major thirds and perfect fourths, and mix these intervals to create riffs and pleasing tones. In the key of F, these pairs of notes can

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