Pedal Steel Guitar WEIGHT (Lighter vs. Heavier Models)
Pedal steel guitars can weigh well over 30 or 40 lbs, and usually older models weigh more because of their materials and construction style. Read more…
Pedal steel guitars can weigh well over 30 or 40 lbs, and usually older models weigh more because of their materials and construction style. Read more…
Undoubtedly, the most interesting thing about the pedal steel is its intriguing sound. Almost any person that hears it is drawn to its sound. Read more…
Using a tone bar is one of the most enjoyable parts of playing steel guitar, and it highly influences how you voice yourself through the instrument. Read more…
G# and Ab Minor 7th Chords for E9 Pedal Steel
F# and Gb Minor 7th Chords for E9 Pedal Steel