Emmons Pedal Steel Fretboard

About the Pedal Steel Guitar

Perhaps one of the most intriguing and captivating instruments, pedal steel guitar has such a distinct sound. Heard in many forms of music, all around the world, it continues to attract the attention of many listeners’ ears.

Check out the pages below for more in-depth information about the pedal steel, and to see its entertaining features…

About the Pedal Steel Guitar
  • Pedal Steel vs. Lap Steel: Born out of Hawaiian traditions, the steel guitar has evolved into multiple forms. Check out the differences between these expressive instruments.
  • Switching from Guitar to Pedal Steel: They have so much in common, yet they’re distinctly different. If you play guitar, then switching to pedal steel can be a great way to broaden your musical palette and improve on both instruments at the same time.
About the Pedal Steel

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